Raymond E. Feist

Raymond E. Feist

Recent/Upcoming Raymond E. Feist Books

August 20th, 2024: A Darkness Returns

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Raymond E. Feist Stats: The highest rated book by Raymond E. Feist on Book Notification is King of Ashes, the first novel in the Firemane Saga series. The second-highest rated book is Servant of the Empire (Riftwar: The World On The Other Side #2).

The most read book by Raymond E. Feist on Book Notification is Magician: Apprentice, the first novel in the Riftwar Saga series. The second most read book is Magician: Master (Riftwar Saga #2).

Below is a complete list of Raymond E. Feist books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Raymond E. Feist is the Riftwar Saga Series.

List of Riftwar Saga Books in Publication Order

List of Riftwar: The World On The Other Side Books in Publication Order (with Janny Wurts)

List of Serpentwar Saga Books in Publication Order

List of Riftwar Legacy Books in Publication Order

List of Legends Of The Riftwar Books in Publication Order

List of Conclave Of Shadows Books in Publication Order

List of Darkwar Saga Books in Publication Order

List of Demonwar Saga Books in Publication Order

List of Chaoswar Saga Books in Publication Order

List of Firemane Saga Books in Publication Order

List of Dragonwar Saga Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

List of Thieves' World Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
Thieves' World (By: Lynn Abbey, Robert Asprin)
Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn (By: Lynn Abbey, Robert Asprin)
Storm Season (By: Lynn Abbey, Robert Asprin)
The Face of Chaos (By: Lynn Abbey, Robert Asprin)
Wings of Omen (By: Lynn Abbey, Robert Asprin)
The Dead of Winter ( By: Robert Asprin)
Soul of the City (By: Lynn Abbey, Robert Asprin)
Blood Ties (By: Lynn Abbey, Robert Asprin)
Shadowspawn (By: Andrew J. Offutt)
Shadowspawn (By: Andrew J. Offutt)
Aftermath (By: Lynn Abbey, Robert Asprin)
Uneasy Alliances (By: Robert Asprin)
Stealers' Sky (By: Lynn Abbey, Robert Asprin)
Sanctuary ( By: Lynn Abbey)
Turning Points (With: Dennis L. McKiernan, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Lynn Abbey, Diana Paxson)
Enemies of Fortune (By: C.J. Cherryh, Jody Lynn Nye, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Lynn Abbey, Robin Wayne Bailey, Jeff Grubb, Selina Rosen, Andrew Offutt, Diana Paxson)
Enemies of Fortune (By: C.J. Cherryh, Jody Lynn Nye, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Lynn Abbey, Robin Wayne Bailey, Jeff Grubb, Selina Rosen, Andrew Offutt, Diana Paxson)
Thieves' World: Player's Manual (By: James Ryman)
Show All Books in this Series

List of Raymond E. Feist Anthologies in Publication Order

Raymond E. Feist: Biography

Raymond E. Feist (Raymond Elias Gonzales III) was born on December 21st, 1945 and is currently 78 years old. Raymond E. Feist was born in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Raymond E. Feist is the author of the Riftwar Saga series which currently consists of 7 novels. The Riftwar Saga series started in 1982 with the novel Magician: Apprentice. The most recently released novel in the Riftwar Saga series was Midkemia: The Chronicles of Pug which was released in 2013. There are no upcoming novels for the Riftwar Saga series.

Raymond E. Feist (Raymond Elias Gonzales III) has also written the Serpentwar Saga series which has 4 books including Shadow of a Dark Queen and Rise of a Merchant Prince.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Raymond E. Feist are:

  1. Brandon Sanderson, author of the Mistborn Series.
  2. Stephen King, author of The Dark Tower Series.
  3. George R.R. Martin, author of the A Song Of Ice and Fire Series.
  4. Terry Brooks, author of the Original Shannara Series.
  5. Robert Jordan, author of The Wheel of Time Series.

Raymond E. Feist: F.A.Q

When was Raymond E. Feist Born? How old is Raymond E. Feist?

Raymond E. Feist was born on December 21st, 1945. Raymond E. Feist is currently 78 years old.

Where was Raymond E. Feist Born?

Raymond E. Feist was born in Los Angeles, California, USA and is American.

What was the first book Raymond E. Feist wrote?

The first novel written by Raymond E. Feist was Magician: Apprentice, published in 1982.

What was the most recent book Raymond E. Feist wrote?

His most recently released work was Master of Furies on July 5th, 2022.

Will there be any more books by Raymond E. Feist?

Raymond E. Feist has a new book coming out on August 20th, 2024 called A Darkness Returns.

How many books has Raymond E. Feist written?

Raymond E. Feist has written 38 books across 13 series.
  • 7 books in the Riftwar Saga Series
  • 3 books in the Riftwar: The World On The Other Side Series
  • 4 books in the Serpentwar Saga Series
  • 4 books in the Riftwar Legacy Series
  • 3 books in the Legends Of The Riftwar Series
  • 3 books in the Conclave Of Shadows Series
  • 3 books in the Darkwar Saga Series
  • 2 books in the Demonwar Saga Series
  • 3 books in the Chaoswar Saga Series
  • 3 books in the Firemane Saga Series
  • 1 book in the Dragonwar Saga Series
  • 1 Standalone Novels
  • 1 book in the Thieves' World Series

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    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    Raymond E. Feist is a successful author. And yet, I would argue that he doesn’t get nearly as much love as he deserves, especially in an age that venerates the likes of George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.

    Not to say that those authors don’t deserve their popularity. Rather, Feist should be named among them as one of the greatest fantasy authors in history.

    I was incredibly young when I read the first Magician trilogy, and it consumed me for so many months. After reading modern fantasy throughout my teenage years, I was hesitant to return to the Riftwar Saga. Fiction written in the 80s and 90s rarely holds up, and I did not want to taint my nostalgic memories of that original trilogy.

    But then I found ‘Apprentice’ in a local thrift store, and I couldn’t help myself. I bought it. You know what? It is every bit as dated as I remember. The narrative is a little clunky, almost like Feist wrote several separate stories that he eventually combined into a single novel.

    The prose sounds like they came out of the 80s. And yet, I loved it. If anything, the fact that the novel was so dated made it even more interesting because the tone was so refreshing. Pug and Thomas were every bit as charming as I remember. This is one author I cannot wait to introduce to my future children.

    11 days ago

    Raymond E. Feist was the author of one of the very first fantasy books I ever picked up and it really made me fall in love with the genre. The Riftwar Saga isn’t a super easy read but I would absolutely recommend it to anyone who likes the fantasy genre. Feist really knows how to make you fall in love with a character and give them some great arcs that you don’t see coming from a mile away (like most books). I’m still making my way through his world but looking forward to picking up my next book of his!

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