Anna Todd

Anna Todd

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After: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 2 was the most recently released book by Anna Todd, on October 31st, 2023.

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Anna Todd Stats: The highest rated book by Anna Todd on Book Notification is After, the first novel in the After series. The second-highest rated book is After Ever Happy (After #4).

The most read book by Anna Todd on Book Notification is After, the first novel in the After series. The second most read book is After We Collided (After #2).

Below is a complete list of Anna Todd books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Anna Todd is the After Series.

List of After Books in Publication Order

List of After Graphic Novels in Publication Order

List of Karina and Kael Books in Publication Order

List of Landon Gibson Books in Publication Order

List of Stars Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

Anna Todd: Biography

Anna Todd (Anna Renee Todd) was born on March 20th, 1989 and is currently 35 years old. Anna Todd was born in Dayton, Ohio, USA.

Anna Todd is the author of the After series which currently consists of 5 novels. The After series started in 2014 with the novel After. The most recently released novel in the After series was Before which was released in 2015. There are no upcoming novels for the After series.

Anna Todd (Anna Renee Todd) has also written the Landon Gibson series which has 2 books including Nothing More and Nothing Less.

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  1. Colleen Hoover, author of the novel: Verity.
  2. Elle Kennedy, author of the Off-Campus Series.
  3. Christina Lauren, author of the novel: The Unhoneymooners.
  4. Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight Series.
  5. L.J. Shen, author of the Sinners of Saint Series.

Anna Todd: F.A.Q

When was Anna Todd Born? How old is Anna Todd?

Anna Todd was born on March 20th, 1989. Anna Todd is currently 35 years old.

Where was Anna Todd Born?

Anna Todd was born in Dayton, Ohio, USA and is American.

What was the first book Anna Todd wrote?

The first novel written by Anna Todd was After, published in 2014.

What was the most recent book Anna Todd wrote?

Her most recently released work was After: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 2 on October 31st, 2023.

Will there be any more books by Anna Todd?

Anna Todd does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Anna Todd written?

Anna Todd has written 14 books. 5 books in the After Series, 2 books in the After Graphic Novels, 1 book in the Karina and Kael Series, 2 books in the Landon Gibson Series, 2 books in the Stars Series, 2 Standalone Novels.

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    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    1 year ago

    It took me a while to find an Anna Todd novel to read. This author had so much hype around her name that I was hesitant to read her books in the first place. With novels, the hype is rarely justified.

    The excitement surrounding the ‘After’ series was even more jarring. I was tempted to read the first one. But then a friend told me that Anna’s work was heavily inspired by the fan fiction she wrote on Wattpad, which repelled me because I am not a fan of fanfiction.

    I was tempted to write her off completely, but I couldn’t do it because it felt unfair to judge her work without reading it. So finally, this week, after looking at this list, I chose ‘Nothing More’ at random and bought it.

    So far, it’s an actual novel. I honestly expected terrible fanfiction. But you know what? This is a real book written by a real author. I’m curious to see what I think once I finish it.

    Book Notification is an Amazon Associate. Book links to Amazon, eBay and other book stores are affiliate links, and we earn money from any qualifying purchases.

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