Richard Rodríguez

Richard Rodríguez

Recent/Upcoming Richard Rodríguez Books

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Kingdom Reality was the most recently released book by Richard Rodríguez, on December 9th, 2022.

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Richard Rodríguez Stats: The highest rated book by Richard Rodríguez on Book Notification is Darling: A Spiritual Autobiography, a Non-Fiction book. The second-highest rated book is Brown: The Last Discovery of America, a Non-Fiction book.

The most read book by Richard Rodríguez on Book Notification is Darling: A Spiritual Autobiography, a Non-Fiction book. The second most read book is Brown: The Last Discovery of America, a Non-Fiction book.

Below is a complete list of Richard Rodríguez books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series.

List of Collections in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
Martín Ramírez: The Last Works (With: Wayne Thiebaud, Brooke Davis Anderson)
Martín Ramírez: The Last Works (With: Wayne Thiebaud, Brooke Davis Anderson)

List of Richard Rodriquez Graphic Novels in Publication Order

List of Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez
Days of Obligation: An Argument With My Mexican Father
Making Independent Films: Advice from the Filmmakers (With: Liz Stubbs)
Brown: The Last Discovery of America
Darling: A Spiritual Autobiography
Psychology Beats Strategy: A Practical Guide on How to Improve Your Trading Psychology, Overcome Stress, Greed, Fear, FOMO, and Discipline
Kingdom Reality

List of Contemporary Literature and the Life of Faith Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
Listening for God Reader, Vol. 1
Listening for God, Vol. 2 (By: Anne Tyler, John Updike, Tobias Wolff, Gail Godwin, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Kathleen Norris, Paula J. Carlson, Peter S. Hawkins, Carol Bly, Andrew Dubus)
Listening for God, Vol. 2 (By: Anne Tyler, John Updike, Tobias Wolff, Gail Godwin, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Kathleen Norris, Paula J. Carlson, Peter S. Hawkins, Carol Bly, Andrew Dubus)
Listening for God, Vol. 3 (By: Tillie Olsen, Wendell Berry, John Cheever, Louise Erdrich, Mary Gordon, Tess Gallagher, Reynolds Price, Oscar Hijuelos, Paula J. Carlson, Peter S. Hawkins)
Listening for God, Vol. 3 (By: Tillie Olsen, Wendell Berry, John Cheever, Louise Erdrich, Mary Gordon, Tess Gallagher, Reynolds Price, Oscar Hijuelos, Paula J. Carlson, Peter S. Hawkins)
Listening For God, Vol. 4 (By: Robert Butler, Allegra Goodman, James Baldwin, Kent Haruf, Sue Miller, Doris Betts, Paula J. Carlson, Peter S. Hawkins, Michael Malone, Alice Elliot Dark)
Listening For God, Vol. 4 (By: Robert Butler, Allegra Goodman, James Baldwin, Kent Haruf, Sue Miller, Doris Betts, Paula J. Carlson, Peter S. Hawkins, Michael Malone, Alice Elliot Dark)
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List of Richard Rodríguez Anthologies in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
The Invention of Ethnicity
Listening for God Reader, Vol. 1
Listening for God, Vol. 2
The Late Great Mexican Border
Listening for God, Vol. 3
Listening For God, Vol. 4
40 Model Essays
Bordering Fires: The Vintage Book of Contemporary Mexican and Chicana and Chicano Literature
Coming of Age in a Hardscrabble World
Show All Anthologies

Richard Rodríguez: Biography

Richard Rodríguez was born on July 31st, 1944 and is currently 79 years old. Richard Rodríguez was born in San Francisco.

Richard Rodríguez is probably best known for their Non-Fiction Books. There are currently 7 books available. The first was released in 1981 with the novel Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez. The most recently released novel was Kingdom Reality which was released in 2022. There are no upcoming non-fiction books by Richard at this time.

Richard Rodríguez has also written the Richard Rodriquez Graphic Novels series which has 2 books including VS Aliens and Kamen.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Richard Rodríguez are:

  1. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter Series.
  2. Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch Series.
  3. Charles Dickens, author of the novel: A Tale of Two Cities.
  4. Daniel Silva, author of the Gabriel Allon Series.
  5. Jussi Adler-Olsen, author of the Department Q Series.

Richard Rodríguez: F.A.Q

When was Richard Rodríguez Born? How old is Richard Rodríguez?

Richard Rodríguez was born on July 31st, 1944. Richard Rodríguez is currently 79 years old.

Where was Richard Rodríguez Born?

Richard Rodríguez was born in San Francisco, .

What was the first book Richard Rodríguez wrote?

The first novel written by Richard Rodríguez was Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez, published in 1981.

What was the most recent book Richard Rodríguez wrote?

Their most recently released work was Kingdom Reality on December 9th, 2022.

Will there be any more books by Richard Rodríguez?

Richard Rodríguez does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Richard Rodríguez written?

Richard Rodríguez has written 10 books excluding contributions to anthologies. 1 book in the Collections, 2 books in the Richard Rodriquez Graphic Novels, 7 books in the Non-Fiction Books.

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