Patrick Robinson

Patrick Robinson

Recent/Upcoming Patrick Robinson Books

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The Lion of Sabray was the most recently released book by Patrick Robinson, on November 3rd, 2015.

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Patrick Robinson Stats: The highest rated book by Patrick Robinson on Book Notification is Lone Survivor, a Non-Fiction book. The second-highest rated book is Nimitz Class (Admiral Arnold Morgan #1).

The most read book by Patrick Robinson on Book Notification is Nimitz Class, the first novel in the Admiral Arnold Morgan series. The second most read book is Lone Survivor, a Non-Fiction book.

Below is a complete list of Patrick Robinson books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Patrick Robinson is the Admiral Arnold Morgan Series.

List of Admiral Arnold Morgan Books in Publication Order

List of Mack Bedford Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

List of Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
Born to Win (With: John Bertrand)
Born to Win (With: John Bertrand)
True Blue (With: Daniel Topolski)
True Blue (With: Daniel Topolski)
One Hundred Days: The Memoirs of the Falklands Battle Group Commander (With: Sandy Woodward)
Lone Survivor (With: Marcus Luttrell)
A Colossal Failure of Common Sense: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Lehman Brothers (With: Lawrence G. McDonald)
Topgun on Wall Street: Why the United States Military Should Run Corporate America (With: Jeffery Lay)
Honor and Betrayal
The Lion of Sabray

Patrick Robinson: Biography

Patrick Robinson was born on January 21st, 1940 and is currently 84 years old. Patrick Robinson was born in Kent, England.

Patrick Robinson is the author of the Admiral Arnold Morgan series which currently consists of 10 novels. The Admiral Arnold Morgan series started in 1997 with the novel Nimitz Class. The most recently released novel in the Admiral Arnold Morgan series was To The Death which was released in 2008. There are no upcoming novels for the Admiral Arnold Morgan series.

Patrick Robinson has also written the Non-Fiction Books series which has 8 books including Born to Win and True Blue.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Patrick Robinson are:

  1. David Baldacci, author of the Amos Decker Series.
  2. Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher Series.
  3. John Grisham, author of the Jake Brigance Series.
  4. Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch Series.
  5. Brad Thor, author of the Scot Harvath Series.

Patrick Robinson: F.A.Q

When was Patrick Robinson Born? How old is Patrick Robinson?

Patrick Robinson was born on January 21st, 1940. Patrick Robinson is currently 84 years old.

Where was Patrick Robinson Born?

Patrick Robinson was born in Kent, England and is English.

What was the first book Patrick Robinson wrote?

The first novel written by Patrick Robinson was Born to Win, published in 1985.

What was the most recent book Patrick Robinson wrote?

His most recently released work was The Lion of Sabray on November 3rd, 2015.

Will there be any more books by Patrick Robinson?

Patrick Robinson does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Patrick Robinson written?

Patrick Robinson has written 23 books. 10 books in the Admiral Arnold Morgan Series, 4 books in the Mack Bedford Series, 1 Standalone Novel, 8 books in the Non-Fiction Books.

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    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    1 year ago

    I had no interest in submarine fiction until I discovered Patrick Robinson. In fact, I did not know that submarine fiction was a thing until a friend recommended Nimitz Class.

    Don’t get me wrong. I have seen my fair share of submarine movies. I have fond memories of Down Periscope. I also enjoyed Hunter Killer. But I never realized that stories of this nature existed in literary format.

    Robinson’s greatest strength is his ability to explain this world. These days, military novels with extensive descriptions and explanations annoy me. But I appreciate the effort Robinson makes to describe the workings of a submarine. It makes the stories more immersive for newcomers like myself.

    1 month ago

    i would love to read another book by Mr Robinson his submarine series was great along with his other books great author and storyteller

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