Deborah Harkness

Deborah Harkness

Recent/Upcoming Deborah Harkness Books

July 16th, 2024: The Black Bird Oracle

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Deborah Harkness Stats: The highest rated book by Deborah Harkness on Book Notification is The World of All Souls, a Non-Fiction book. The second-highest rated book is Shadow of Night (All Souls Trilogy #2).

The most read book by Deborah Harkness on Book Notification is A Discovery of Witches, the first novel in the All Souls Trilogy series. The second most read book is The Book of Life (All Souls Trilogy #3).

Below is a complete list of Deborah Harkness books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Deborah Harkness is the All Souls Trilogy Series.

List of All Souls Trilogy Books in Publication Order

List of All Souls Non-Fiction in Publication Order

List of Non-Fiction in Publication Order

Deborah Harkness: Biography

Deborah Harkness was born on April 5th, 1965 and is currently 59 years old. Deborah Harkness was born in Philadelphia, USA.

Deborah Harkness is the author of the All Souls Trilogy series which currently consists of 5 novels. The All Souls Trilogy series started in 2011 with the novel A Discovery of Witches. The most recently released novel in the All Souls Trilogy series was Time's Convert which was released in 2018. There is an upcoming novel for the All Souls Trilogy series entitled The Black Bird Oracle which is being released on July 16th, 2024.

Deborah Harkness has also written the Non-Fiction series which has 2 books including John Dee's Conversations with Angels and The Jewel House.

Deborah Harkness: Awards & Accolades

Harkness' books have won multiple awards, Shadow of Night won the Goodreads Awards, Best Paranormal Fantasy, in 2012. The Book of Life won the Goodreads Awards, Best Fantasy, in 2014.

Deborah Harkness books have also been nominated for multiple awards, A Discovery of Witches was nominated for the Goodreads Awards, Favorite Book of 2011, in 2011 as well as the Goodreads Awards - Best Paranormal Fantasy in 2011, Goodreads Awards - Best Goodreads Author in 2011. Shadow of Night was nominated for the Goodreads Awards, Best Goodreads Author, in 2012. Time's Convert was nominated for the Goodreads Awards, Best Fantasy, in 2018.

Deborah Harkness: Lists & Other Mentions

  • The Book of Life was a New York Times: #1 Fiction Best Seller in 2014.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Deborah Harkness are:

  1. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter Series.
  2. Stephen King, author of The Dark Tower Series.
  3. John Grisham, author of the Jake Brigance Series.
  4. Dan Brown, author of the Robert Langdon Series.
  5. Louise Penny, author of the Inspector Gamache Series.

Deborah Harkness: F.A.Q

When was Deborah Harkness Born? How old is Deborah Harkness?

Deborah Harkness was born on April 5th, 1965. Deborah Harkness is currently 59 years old.

Where was Deborah Harkness Born?

Deborah Harkness was born in Philadelphia, USA and is American.

What book awards has Deborah Harkness won?

Shadow of Night: Goodreads Awards Best Paranormal Fantasy (2012).
The Book of Life: Goodreads Awards Best Fantasy (2014).

What was the first book Deborah Harkness wrote?

The first novel written by Deborah Harkness was John Dee's Conversations with Angels, published in 1999.

What was the most recent book Deborah Harkness wrote?

Her most recently released work was Time's Convert on September 18th, 2018.

Will there be any more books by Deborah Harkness?

Deborah Harkness has a new book coming out on July 16th, 2024 called The Black Bird Oracle.

How many books has Deborah Harkness written?

Deborah Harkness has written 8 books. 5 books in the All Souls Trilogy Series, 1 book in the All Souls Non-Fiction, 2 books in the Non-Fiction.

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    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    I don’t like YA. More to the point, I hate paranormal romance, which is why I almost feel embarrassed to admit that I have read Deborah Harkness’ work. People think I haven’t given YA or paranormal romance a decent shot, but I have.

    I read books from those genres religiously as a teen. But as I matured, my tastes changed, and I grew to dislike them. I don’t know how Harkness does it. I read A Discovery of Witches a year ago and loved it. Then I watched the TV show and loved that as well.

    Then I made my way back to Shadow of Night, and it did not disappoint. Now, I am slowly making my way through The Book of Life, and I don’t hate it. I can’t put my finger on why these novels entertain me. They just do.

    Lisa C. Miller
    Lisa C. Miller
    7 months ago

    I love A Discovery of Witches series.

    Lisa C. Miller
    Lisa C. Miller
    2 months ago

    I have read all your books and love them. I am looking forward to many new ones.

    11 days ago

    I started reading the “All Souls Trilogy” series a few years ago and really fell in love with them. The TV show was pretty good too, though you just don’t get the same level of detail in a show that you do in a book so I would highly recommend the books! So far they have been fairly easy reads and I am looking forward to continuing the series.

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