Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore

Recent/Upcoming Christopher Moore Books

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Razzmatazz was the most recently released book by Christopher Moore, on May 17th, 2022.

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Christopher Moore Stats: The highest rated book by Christopher Moore on Book Notification is Fool, the first novel in the Fool series. The second-highest rated book is Bloodsucking Fiends (Bloodsucking Fiends/Love Story #1).

The most read book by Christopher Moore on Book Notification is Noir, the first novel in the Sammy and the Cheese series. The second most read book is Lamb, a Standalone novel.

Below is a complete list of Christopher Moore books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series.

List of Pine Cove Books in Publication Order

List of Bloodsucking Fiends/Love Story Books in Publication Order

List of Grim Reaper Books in Publication Order

List of Fool Books in Publication Order

List of Sammy and the Cheese Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

List of Graphic Novels in Publication Order

List of Christopher Moore Anthologies in Publication Order

Christopher Moore: Biography

Christopher Moore was born on January 1st, 1957 and is currently 67 years old. Christopher Moore was born in Toledo, Ohio, USA.

Christopher Moore is probably best known for his Standalone Novels. There are currently 5 novels available. The first standalone was released in 1994 with the novel Coyote Blue. The most recently released novel was Sacre Bleu which was released in 2012. There are no upcoming standalone novels by Christopher at this time.

Christopher Moore has also written the Pine Cove series which has 3 books including Practical Demonkeeping and The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove.

Christopher Moore: Awards & Accolades

Moore's book, Bite Me: A Love Story won the Goodreads Awards, Best Humor, in 2010.

Christopher Moore books have also been nominated for multiple awards, Fool was nominated for the Goodreads Awards, Best Fiction, in 2009. Sacre Bleu was nominated for the Goodreads Awards, Best Humor, in 2012. The Serpent of Venice was nominated for the Goodreads Awards, Best Humor, in 2014. Shakespeare for Squirrels was nominated for the Goodreads Awards, Best Humor, in 2020.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Christopher Moore are:

  1. Stephen King, author of The Dark Tower Series.
  2. John Grisham, author of the Jake Brigance Series.
  3. Dean Koontz, author of the Odd Thomas Series.
  4. Neil Gaiman, author of the American Gods Series.
  5. Louise Penny, author of the Inspector Gamache Series.

Christopher Moore: F.A.Q

When was Christopher Moore Born? How old is Christopher Moore?

Christopher Moore was born on January 1st, 1957. Christopher Moore is currently 67 years old.

Where was Christopher Moore Born?

Christopher Moore was born in Toledo, Ohio, USA and is American.

What book awards has Christopher Moore won?

Moore's book, Bite Me: A Love Story won the award Goodreads Awards, Best Humor, in 2010.

What was the first book Christopher Moore wrote?

The first novel written by Christopher Moore was Practical Demonkeeping, published in 1992.

What was the most recent book Christopher Moore wrote?

His most recently released work was Razzmatazz on May 17th, 2022.

Will there be any more books by Christopher Moore?

Christopher Moore does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Christopher Moore written?

Christopher Moore has written 19 books. 3 books in the Pine Cove Series, 3 books in the Bloodsucking Fiends/Love Story Series, 2 books in the Grim Reaper Series, 3 books in the Fool Series, 2 books in the Sammy and the Cheese Series, 5 Standalone Novels, 1 book in the Graphic Novels.

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    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    Christopher Moore writes satire, which automatically makes his books an acquired taste. I couldn’t read ‘Lamb.’ I tried but gave up after a few chapters. Moore’s irreverence did not work for me.

    But then I read and thoroughly enjoyed ‘A Dirty Job.’ In the hands of a different author, I can easily see Moore’s novels taking on a more serious tone. But he prefers to tackle epic concepts like death merchants with a lighter touch, which I like.

    You need authors like Moore to spice things up by taking tried and tested fantasy elements and flipping them on their heads. But again, I couldn’t read ‘Lamb’ because his approach to the subject matter was simply off-putting.

    You could argue that other novels may produce similar reactions in other readers depending on their views of the world. But that doesn’t take anything away from Moore. If anything, it shows his courage. He isn’t afraid to apply a humorous spin to sensitive subjects.

    Book Notification is an Amazon Associate. Book links to Amazon, eBay and other book stores are affiliate links, and we earn money from any qualifying purchases.

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