Saul D. Alinsky

Saul D. Alinsky

Saul D. Alinsky was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA on January 30th, 1909 and passed away at the age of 63 on June 12th, 1972.

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Saul D. Alinsky Stats: The highest rated book by Saul D. Alinsky on Book Notification is Rules for Radicals, a Non-Fiction book. The second-highest rated book is Reveille for Radicals, a Non-Fiction book.

The most read book by Saul D. Alinsky on Book Notification is Rules for Radicals, a Non-Fiction book.

Below is a complete list of Saul D. Alinsky books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series.

List of Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order

Saul D. Alinsky

Saul D. Alinsky (Saul David Alinsky) was born on January 30th, 1909. Saul passed away June 12th, 1972 at 63 years old. Saul D. Alinsky was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Alinsky attended the University of Chicago where he received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree.

Saul D. Alinsky was an American political theorist and community activist. His work helping the poor communities organize press demands upon politicians, landlords, business leaders, and bankers won him national recognition. He wrote his book Rules for Radicals as a response to the impatience of a new generation of activists. He argued that both compromise and confrontation were important strategies for fighting social justice through community organizing.
Alinsky’s ideas gained renewed attention in the 1990s when they were viewed as tactical inspiration for the Republican Tea Party movement. He would later be accused of influencing radical democratic agenda due to connections to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Some criticized Alinsky for not focusing on broad ideological goals but regardless, his ideas inspired movements and campaigns for climate change.

Alinsky’s debut novel, Reveille for Radicals (1946) was published while in jail. His other books included a biography for John L. Lewis (1949) and Rules for Radicals (1971). Alinsky continued with community policing until his death.

In John L. Lewis: An Unauthorized Biography, Alinsky offers a detailed exploration of the life of John L. Lewis. Lewis was one of the most popular figures in American labor history. The author provides a detailed examination of Lewis’ rise to power and his impact on both the labor movement and American politics.

This biography dives deeper into Lewis's controversial techniques including the use of strikes and political maneuvers, as well as his relationships with politicians, labor leaders, and prominent business figures. He does not shy away from examining the darker side of Lewis and offers the readers a perfect glimpse at his personal life, personality, and the complexity of his leadership style.

This reproduction of the original print is a rare find for anyone interested in the history of American labor and political figures. Though the book may contain some imperfections, its cultural importance makes it an important artifact for readers seeking a deeper understanding of Lewis’ history.

Rules for Radicals was published in 1971, just before Alinsky’s death. The book is aimed at the future of community organizers and serves as a guide for uniting low-income communities to fight for political, social, economic, and environmental change through non-violent approaches.

The book draws from the author’s vast experience in community organizing that spanned from 1939 to 1971. The author offers a collection of lessons that morph into a roadmap for creating grassroots movements that can effect real change.
The book is divided into 10 chapters and each offers a crucial lesson on organizing people into action-oriented groups. While the main focus is community organizing, the principles do extend to a range of topics such as education, ethics, political philosophy, communication, and the use of symbols.

Though this book was written with the counterculture of the 1960s-70’s in mind, the author’s methods have had an everlasting impact. These methods have influenced movements across the labor, government, and community organizations. The themes and strategies addressed have continued to shape grassroots activism and political campaigns well into the 21st century.

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  5. Dan Brown, author of the Robert Langdon Series.

Saul D. Alinsky: F.A.Q

When was Saul D. Alinsky Born?

Saul D. Alinsky was born on January 30th, 1909.

When did Saul D. Alinsky die?

Saul D. Alinsky died on June 12th, 1972 at 63 years old.

Where was Saul D. Alinsky Born?

Saul D. Alinsky was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

What was the first book Saul D. Alinsky wrote?

The first book written by Saul D. Alinsky was John L. Lewis, published in 1949.

What was the most recent book Saul D. Alinsky wrote?

His most recently released work was Reveille for Radicals on October 23rd, 1989.

How many books has Saul D. Alinsky written?

Saul D. Alinsky has written 3 books. All of his books are Non-Fiction Books.

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