Phillip Margolin

Phillip Margolin

Recent/Upcoming Phillip Margolin Books

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Betrayal was the most recently released book by Phillip Margolin, on November 7th, 2023.

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Phillip Margolin Stats: The highest rated book by Phillip Margolin on Book Notification is A Matter of Life and Death, the 4th novel in the Robin Lockwood series. The second-highest rated book is Executive Privilege (Brad Miller / Dana Cutler #1).

The most read book by Phillip Margolin on Book Notification is The Third Victim, the first novel in the Robin Lockwood series. The second most read book is A Reasonable Doubt (Robin Lockwood #3).

Below is a complete list of Phillip Margolin books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Phillip Margolin is the Robin Lockwood Series.

List of Amanda Jaffe Books in Publication Order

List of Brad Miller / Dana Cutler Books in Publication Order

List of Robin Lockwood Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
The Last Innocent Man
Gone, But Not Forgotten
After Dark
The Burning Man
The Undertaker's Widow
Sleeping Beauty
Lost Lake
The House on Pine Terrace
Worthy Brown's Daughter
Woman with a Gun

List of Madison Kincaid Books in Publication Order (with Ami Margolin Rome)

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
Vanishing Acts (With: Ami Margolin Rome)
Vanishing Acts (With: Ami Margolin Rome)

List of Phillip Margolin Anthologies in Publication Order

Phillip Margolin: Biography

Phillip Margolin was born on April 20th, 1944 and is currently 80 years old. Phillip Margolin was born in New York City, New York, USA.

Phillip Margolin is probably best known for his Standalone Novels. There are currently 11 novels available. The first standalone was released in 1978 with the novel Heartstone. The most recently released novel was Woman with a Gun which was released in 2014. There are no upcoming standalone novels by Phillip at this time.

Phillip Margolin has also written the Robin Lockwood series which has 7 books including The Third Victim and The Perfect Alibi.

Phillip Margolin: Awards & Accolades

Margolin's book, Heartstone was nominated for the Edgar Award, Best Paperback Original, in 1979.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Phillip Margolin are:

  1. Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch Series.
  2. David Baldacci, author of the Amos Decker Series.
  3. John Grisham, author of the Jake Brigance Series.
  4. Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher Series.
  5. Harlan Coben, author of the Myron Bolitar Series.

Phillip Margolin: F.A.Q

When was Phillip Margolin Born? How old is Phillip Margolin?

Phillip Margolin was born on April 20th, 1944. Phillip Margolin is currently 80 years old.

Where was Phillip Margolin Born?

Phillip Margolin was born in New York City, New York, USA and is American.

What was the first book Phillip Margolin wrote?

The first novel written by Phillip Margolin was Heartstone, published in 1978.

What was the most recent book Phillip Margolin wrote?

His most recently released work was Betrayal on November 7th, 2023.

Will there be any more books by Phillip Margolin?

Phillip Margolin does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Phillip Margolin written?

Phillip Margolin has written 29 books. 6 books in the Amanda Jaffe Series, 4 books in the Brad Miller / Dana Cutler Series, 7 books in the Robin Lockwood Series, 11 Standalone Novels, 1 book in the Madison Kincaid Series.

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    Andrew M.
    Andrew M.
    2 years ago

    I’m a big fan of Philip Margolin and he’s among my favorite masters of legal thrillers up to date. In the Robin Lockwood series, he tosses a lot of bluff all through and intelligently winds the story through a maze of likely suspects.
    His stories have lots of twists and turns to keep the reader at the edge of the seat. The chapters are short and left me wanting more. The Robin series kept me flipping pages as I waited for justice to be served.
    Robin was my overall favorite character and I liked her hard work and determination. A Matter of Life and Death is an engaging novel and I liked Heartstone for how it’s deep and well fleshed out and the twists kept me on my toes

    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    Phillip Margolin writes entertaining escapist fiction. I don’t know if the term ‘Escapist Fiction’ is accurate, but I use it all the time. I use it in reference to incredibly immersive books, the kind that, as the term suggests, provide an escape from the worries of the present world.

    Margolin has a tendency to overwhelm his stories with large casts of characters. Initially, this annoyed me because I couldn’t keep up with all the characters.

    But after the first two books, my brain adjusted to the challenge, and the size of the cast made the plot far more interesting because you could explore events from so many POVs.

    1 month ago

    Enjoy Margolin’s writing. I like the universe of characters with their own worlds (series). However my favorite was an older one The Undertaker’s Widow.

    Last edited 1 month ago by Celia

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