Julia Spencer-Fleming

Julia Spencer-Fleming

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Hid from Our Eyes was the most recently released book by Julia Spencer-Fleming, on April 7th, 2020.

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Julia Spencer-Fleming Stats: The highest rated book by Julia Spencer-Fleming on Book Notification is Through the Evil Days, the 9th novel in the Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries series. The second-highest rated book is Hid from Our Eyes (Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries #10).

The most read book by Julia Spencer-Fleming on Book Notification is In the Bleak Midwinter, the first novel in the Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries series. The second most read book is Out of the Deep I Cry (Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries #3).

Below is a complete list of Julia Spencer-Fleming books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Julia Spencer-Fleming is the Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries Series.

List of Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
In the Bleak Midwinter
A Fountain Filled with Blood
Out of the Deep I Cry
To Darkness and to Death
All Mortal Flesh
I Shall Not Want
Letters to a Soldier
One Was a Soldier
Through the Evil Days
Hid from Our Eyes

Julia Spencer-Fleming: Biography

Julia Spencer-Fleming was born on June 26th, 1961 and is currently 62 years old. Julia Spencer-Fleming was born in Plattsburgh, New York, USA. Spencer-Fleming attended Ithaca College where she Studied Acting and History, University of Maine School of Law where she received a Juris Doctorate Degree.

Julia Spencer-Fleming is the author of the Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries series which currently consists of 10 novels. The Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries series started in 2002 with the novel In the Bleak Midwinter. The most recently released novel in the Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries series was Hid from Our Eyes which was released in 2020. There are no upcoming novels for the Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries series.

Julia Spencer-Fleming: Awards & Accolades

Spencer-Fleming's books have won multiple awards, In the Bleak Midwinter won the Agatha Award, Best First Novel, in 2002 as well as the Barry Award - Best First Novel in 2003, Macavity Award - Best First Mystery in 2003, Dilys Award - Best Mystery Novel in 2003, Anthony Award - Best First Mystery in 2003. All Mortal Flesh won the Nero Award, Best Mystery Novel, in 2007 as well as the Gumshoe Award - Best Mystery Novel in 2007.

The following novels by Julia Spencer-Fleming were nominated for these awards:

  • In the Bleak Midwinter: Gumshoe Award, Best First Novel (2003). Nero Award, Best Mystery Novel (2003).
  • A Fountain Filled with Blood: Barry Award, Best Novel (2004).
  • Out of the Deep I Cry: Anthony Award, Best Mystery Novel (2005). Edgar Award, Best Mystery Novel (2005).
  • All Mortal Flesh: Agatha Award, Best Novel (2006). Anthony Award, Best Mystery Novel (2007). Macavity Award, Best Mystery Novel (2007).
  • I Shall Not Want: Agatha Award, Best Novel (2008).
  • One Was a Soldier: Anthony Award, Best Mystery Novel (2012).
  • Through the Evil Days: Agatha Award, Best Contemporary Novel (2013). Anthony Award, Best Mystery Novel (2014).

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Julia Spencer-Fleming are:

  1. Louise Penny, author of the Inspector Gamache Series.
  2. David Baldacci, author of the Amos Decker Series.
  3. Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher Series.
  4. Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch Series.
  5. William Kent Krueger, author of the Cork O'Connor Series.

Julia Spencer-Fleming: F.A.Q

When was Julia Spencer-Fleming Born? How old is Julia Spencer-Fleming?

Julia Spencer-Fleming was born on June 26th, 1961. Julia Spencer-Fleming is currently 62 years old.

Where was Julia Spencer-Fleming Born?

Julia Spencer-Fleming was born in Plattsburgh, New York, USA and is American.

What book awards has Julia Spencer-Fleming won?

In the Bleak Midwinter: Agatha Award Best First Novel (2002), Barry Award Best First Novel (2003), Macavity Award Best First Mystery (2003), Dilys Award Best Mystery Novel (2003), Anthony Award Best First Mystery (2003).
All Mortal Flesh: Nero Award Best Mystery Novel (2007), Gumshoe Award Best Mystery Novel (2007).

What was the first book Julia Spencer-Fleming wrote?

The first novel written by Julia Spencer-Fleming was In the Bleak Midwinter, published in 2002.

What was the most recent book Julia Spencer-Fleming wrote?

Her most recently released work was Hid from Our Eyes on April 7th, 2020.

Will there be any more books by Julia Spencer-Fleming?

Julia Spencer-Fleming does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Julia Spencer-Fleming written?

Julia Spencer-Fleming has written 10 books. All of her books are in the Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries Series.

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    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    I can’t be the only one that was turned off by Clare when the Rev. Clare series started. I expect a certain amount of authenticity in the books I read, and nothing about Clare suggested that she was a priest.

    I was even more disturbed by her relationship with Russ. I couldn’t understand why people kept cheering them on. Russ was a married man, and she was a priest. Why was their relationship even remotely acceptable?

    I only stuck with the series because I really enjoyed the mysteries. Fast forward to book 3, and I can’t believe I’m rooting for Russ and Clare. It’s odd. I don’t know how it happened. But I get it. I understand the appeal of this couple.

    1 year ago

    I love this series with Russ and Rev. Clare! Please continue the story!

    4 months ago

    As I said above, I am rereading this one because I didn’t remember how Clare and Russ got Oscar their dog. I’m enjoying the book even more than I did the first time!

    3 months ago

    Love the series. Hope there will be more written in the future.

    3 months ago

    Being brought up a RC I was orginally drawn to this story as it contained a “female priest”. I have to say I have read these stories through 3 times and I really love the Russ-Clare relationship and the power of love in transforming the lives of these characters. Thank you Julia for your courage in creating this world for us to enjoy.

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