Conn Iggulden

Conn Iggulden

Conn Iggulden also writes as: C.F. Iggulden.

Recent/Upcoming Conn Iggulden Books

May 24th, 2024: Nero

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Conn Iggulden Stats: The highest rated book by Conn Iggulden on Book Notification is Wolf of the Plains / Genghis: Birth of an Empire, the first novel in the Conqueror series. The second-highest rated book is Ravenspur (Wars of the Roses #4).

The most read book by Conn Iggulden on Book Notification is Wolf of the Plains / Genghis: Birth of an Empire, the first novel in the Conqueror series. The second most read book is Bones of the Hills (Conqueror #3).

Below is a complete list of Conn Iggulden books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Conn Iggulden is the Conqueror Series.

List of Athenian Books in Publication Order

List of Conqueror Books in Publication Order

List of Emperor Books in Publication Order

List of Empire of Salt Books in Publication Order

List of The Golden Age Books in Publication Order

List of Tollins Books in Publication Order

List of The Nero Trilogy Books in Publication Order

List of Wars of the Roses Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

List of Short Stories/Novellas in Publication Order

List of Non-Fiction in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
The Dangerous Book for Boys (With: Hal Iggulden)
The Dangerous Book for Boys (With: Hal Iggulden)
Dangerous Book for Boys Yearbook
The Pocket Dangerous Book for Boys: Things to Do
The Pocket Dangerous Book for Boys: Things to Know (With: Hal Iggulden)
The Pocket Dangerous Book for Boys: Wonders of the World
The Dangerous Kit for Boys: How to Get There
The Dangerous Book for Boys Kit: Nature Fun
The Pocket Dangerous Book for Boys: Facts, Figures and Fun
The Dangerous Book of Heroes
The Double Dangerous Book for Boys

Conn Iggulden: Biography

Conn Iggulden (Connor Iggulden) was born on February 24th, 1971 and is currently 53 years old. Conn Iggulden was born in London, England.

Conn Iggulden is probably best known for his Non-Fiction Books. There are currently 10 books available. The first was released in 2006 with the novel The Dangerous Book for Boys. The most recently released novel was The Double Dangerous Book for Boys which was released in 2019. There are no upcoming non-fiction books by Conn at this time.

Conn Iggulden (Connor Iggulden) has also written the Emperor series which has 5 books including The Gates of Rome and The Death of Kings.

Conn Iggulden: Awards & Accolades

Iggulden's books have won multiple awards, The Dangerous Book for Boys won the British Book Awards, Book of the Year, in 2007. Wolf of the Plains / Genghis: Birth of an Empire won the Alex Awards, Best Book, in 2008.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Conn Iggulden are:

  1. Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher Series.
  2. Ken Follett, author of the Kingsbridge Series.
  3. Bernard Cornwell, author of The Warrior Chronicles / Saxon Stories Series.
  4. Stephen King, author of The Dark Tower Series.
  5. James Patterson, author of the Women's Murder Club Series.

Conn Iggulden: F.A.Q

When was Conn Iggulden Born? How old is Conn Iggulden?

Conn Iggulden was born on February 24th, 1971. Conn Iggulden is currently 53 years old.

Where was Conn Iggulden Born?

Conn Iggulden was born in London, England and is English.

What book awards has Conn Iggulden won?

The Dangerous Book for Boys: British Book Awards Book of the Year (2007).
Wolf of the Plains / Genghis: Birth of an Empire: Alex Awards Best Book (2008).

What was the first book Conn Iggulden wrote?

The first novel written by Conn Iggulden was The Gates of Rome, published in 2002.

What was the most recent book Conn Iggulden wrote?

His most recently released work was Empire on June 6th, 2023.

Will there be any more books by Conn Iggulden?

Conn Iggulden has a new book coming out on May 24th, 2024 called Nero.

How many books has Conn Iggulden written?

Conn Iggulden has written 39 books across 12 series.
  • 2 books in the Athenian Series
  • 5 books in the Conqueror Series
  • 5 books in the Emperor Series
  • 3 books in the Empire of Salt Series
  • 2 books in The Golden Age Series
  • 2 books in the Tollins Series
  • 1 book in The Nero Trilogy Series
  • 4 books in the Wars of the Roses Series
  • 2 Standalone Novels
  • 3 Short Stories/Novellas
  • 10 Non-Fiction

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    Edgar A.
    Edgar A.
    2 years ago

    I have always been a lover of historical fiction and as such I got to say Conn Igulden is one of the best historical fiction authors out there.

    I read a few of his fantasy novels in the Empire of Salt series but it was his historical fiction and especially The Gates of Rome that had me in thrall. I have since read most the Emperor series of novels that follows the life and times of Julius Caesar from his childhood up to his death from Betrayal.

    Conn Iggulden is one of the best novelists at dazzling his readers with vivid storytelling and imagination as he flawlessly captures the essence of Rome. the legend of Caesar and the Roman peoples. As a historical fiction buff I loved how Iggulden brings to life one of the most fascinating periods of history.

    Right from the start of the series in The Gates of Rome we are provided with a true masterpiece that took me on a compelling journey into the realm of slaves and tyrants, seething passions and dark intrigues.

    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    I read Conn Iggulden’s ‘Genghis: Birth of an Empire’ shortly after finishing Marco Polo on Netflix. It’s a shame that Marco Polo was canceled after just two seasons. I continue to argue that Netflix gave us the most exciting historical saga we shall ever see on TV, far superior to the likes of ‘Vikings’ and ‘The Last Kingdom.’

    Marco Polo was the kind of martial arts epic I did not know I wanted. It also did a decent job of exploring the trials and tribulations of the Mongol Empire. Iggulden’s book did an even better job of adding substance to what I thought I knew.

    The show and the book do not necessarily go hand in hand. But Marco Polo is a great starting point for anyone that knows next to nothing about the Mongols.

    4 months ago

    I agree with Edgar A. Conn is one of the better historical fiction writers. It seems like he has tapped into a winning formula for historical fiction. His main characters seem flawed to a degree thus portraying them as truly believable. He covers their trials and tribulations in detail then the reader can enjoy how the character overcomes them. It certainly makes for entertaining and educational reading.

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