Frank E Peretti

Frank E Peretti

Recent/Upcoming Frank E Peretti Books

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Hybrids was the most recently released book by Frank E Peretti, on December 31st, 2015.

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Frank E Peretti Stats: The highest rated book by Frank E Peretti on Book Notification is This Present Darkness, the first novel in the Darkness series. The second-highest rated book is Piercing the Darkness (Darkness #2).

The most read book by Frank E Peretti on Book Notification is This Present Darkness, the first novel in the Darkness series. The second most read book is Monster, a Standalone novel.

Below is a complete list of Frank E Peretti books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series.

List of Cooper Kids Adventures Books in Publication Order

List of Veritas Project Books in Publication Order

List of Books Of History Chronicles Books in Publication Order

List of Darkness Books in Publication Order

List of Mr. Henry's Wild & Wacky World Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

List of Picture Books in Publication Order

List of Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order

List of Harbingers Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
The Call (By: Bill Myers)
The Haunted
The Sentinels (By: Angela Elwell Hunt)
The Girl (By: Alton Gansky)
The Revealing (By: Bill Myers)
Infiltration (By: Angela Elwell Hunt)
The Fog (By: Alton Gansky)
Leviathan (By: Bill Myers)
The Mind Pirates
The Village (By: Alton Gansky)
Piercing the Veil (By: Bill Myers)
Home Base (By: Jeff Gerke)
Home Base (By: Jeff Gerke)
Fairy (By: Angela Elwell Hunt)
At Sea (By: Alton Gansky)
Through a Glass Darkly (By: Bill Myers)
Interesting Times (By: Jeff Gerke)
Interesting Times (By: Jeff Gerke)
Into the Blue (By: Angela Elwell Hunt)
End Game (By: Alton Gansky)
Show All Books in this Series

Frank E Peretti: Biography

Frank E Peretti (Frank Edward Peretti) was born on January 13th, 1951 and is currently 73 years old. Frank E Peretti was born in Lethbridge, Canada.

Frank E Peretti is the author of the Cooper Kids Adventures series which currently consists of 8 novels. The Cooper Kids Adventures series started in 1985 with the novel The Door in the Dragon's Throat. The most recently released novel in the Cooper Kids Adventures series was Mayday at Two Thousand Five Hundred / Flying Blind which was released in 1997. There are no upcoming novels for the Cooper Kids Adventures series.

Frank E Peretti: Awards & Accolades

Peretti's book, Wild and Wacky Totally True Bible Stories was nominated for the Audie Award, Faith-based Nonfiction Award, in 2003.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Frank E Peretti are:

  1. John Grisham, author of the Jake Brigance Series.
  2. Stephen King, author of The Dark Tower Series.
  3. Michael Crichton, author of the Jurassic Park Series.
  4. Ted Dekker, author of the Circle Series.
  5. Harlan Coben, author of the Myron Bolitar Series.

Frank E Peretti: F.A.Q

When was Frank E Peretti Born? How old is Frank E Peretti?

Frank E Peretti was born on January 13th, 1951. Frank E Peretti is currently 73 years old.

Where was Frank E Peretti Born?

Frank E Peretti was born in Lethbridge, Canada and is Canadian.

What was the first book Frank E Peretti wrote?

The first novel written by Frank E Peretti was The Door in the Dragon's Throat, published in 1985.

What was the most recent book Frank E Peretti wrote?

His most recently released work was Hybrids on December 31st, 2015.

Will there be any more books by Frank E Peretti?

Frank E Peretti does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Frank E Peretti written?

Frank E Peretti has written 30 books. 8 books in the Cooper Kids Adventures Series, 2 books in the Veritas Project Series, 1 book in the Books Of History Chronicles Series, 2 books in the Darkness Series, 3 books in the Mr. Henry's Wild & Wacky World Series, 6 Standalone Novels, 1 book in the Picture Books, 3 books in the Non-Fiction Books, 4 books in the Harbingers Series.

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    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    The conversations surrounding Peretti have always fascinated me because they rarely analyze his abilities as a writer and storyteller. I haven’t followed the controversies surrounding his career.

    Though, I know people that either love or hate him because of his Christian leanings. I think Peretti is unique. Yes, he isn’t the first Christian author to top bestselling charts. But he is one of the few I know that writes legitimate Christian fantasy.

    I emphasize the ‘Christian Fantasy’ aspect because Peretti has another unique attribute. Some Christian authors do not preach. They want their stories to impart the message of their faith organically. Others use their books as a tool for directly evangelizing. Peretti does both.

    You cannot accuse him of not preaching because his faith is on stark display in every book he writes. However, he isn’t necessarily preachy because his faith is woven seamlessly into the stories he tells, which is impressive.

    The Little Man
    The Little Man
    1 month ago

    I read This Present Darkness in high school, and that short series left an indelible mark on me about spiritual warfare and the power of prayer. Frank Peretti is a strong writer with a penchant for allegory (fantasy, I guess), often turning Scriptural warnings into tangible stories. He’s exciting to read.

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