Robert Goddard

Robert Goddard

Recent/Upcoming Robert Goddard Books

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The Fine Art of Uncanny Prediction was the most recently released book by Robert Goddard, on August 17th, 2023.

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Robert Goddard Stats: The highest rated book by Robert Goddard on Book Notification is The Fine Art of Invisible Detection, the first novel in the Umiko Wada series. The second-highest rated book is The Ends of the Earth (James "Max" Maxted #3).

The most read book by Robert Goddard on Book Notification is The Fine Art of Invisible Detection, the first novel in the Umiko Wada series. The second most read book is The Fine Art of Invisible Detection (Umiko Wada #1).

Below is a complete list of Robert Goddard books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series.

List of Harry Barnett Books in Publication Order

List of James "Max" Maxted Books in Publication Order

List of Umiko Wada Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
Past Caring
In Pale Battalions
Painting the Darkness
Take No Farewell / Debt of Dishonour
Hand in Glove
Closed Circle
Borrowed Time
Beyond Recall
Caught in the Light
Set in Stone
Sea Change
Dying to Tell
Days Without Number
Play to the End
Sight Unseen
Name to a Face
Found Wanting
Long Time Coming
Blood Count
Fault Line
Ends of the Earth
Panic Room
One False Move
This is the Night They Come for You

List of Robert Goddard Anthologies in Publication Order

Robert Goddard: Biography

Robert Goddard was born on November 13th, 1954 and is currently 69 years old. Robert Goddard was born in Fareham, Hampshire, England. Goddard attended University of Cambridge where he Studied History.

Robert Goddard is probably best known for his Standalone Novels. There are currently 24 novels available. The first standalone was released in 1986 with the novel Past Caring. The most recently released novel was This is the Night They Come for You which was released in 2022. There are no upcoming standalone novels by Robert at this time.

Robert Goddard has also written the Harry Barnett series which has 3 books including Into the Blue and Out of the Sun.

Robert Goddard has been listed on the Kono Mystery ga Sugoi! international list in Japan a couple of times. In 1998, Into the Blue tied for 6th. He had another tie in 1999 - Painting the Darkness tied for #8 that year.

Robert Goddard: Awards & Accolades

Goddard's book, Long Time Coming won the Edgar Award, Best Paperback Original, in 2011.

Robert Goddard books have also been nominated for multiple awards, Beyond Recall was nominated for the Edgar Award, Best Mystery Novel, in 1999. Long Time Coming was nominated for the Anthony Award, Best Paperback Original, in 2011.

Related Authors

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  1. Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher Series.
  2. David Baldacci, author of the Amos Decker Series.
  3. Harlan Coben, author of the Myron Bolitar Series.
  4. Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch Series.
  5. Louise Penny, author of the Inspector Gamache Series.

Robert Goddard: F.A.Q

When was Robert Goddard Born? How old is Robert Goddard?

Robert Goddard was born on November 13th, 1954. Robert Goddard is currently 69 years old.

Where was Robert Goddard Born?

Robert Goddard was born in Fareham, Hampshire, England and is English.

What book awards has Robert Goddard won?

Goddard's book, Long Time Coming won the award Edgar Award, Best Paperback Original, in 2011.

What was the first book Robert Goddard wrote?

The first novel written by Robert Goddard was Past Caring, published in 1986.

What was the most recent book Robert Goddard wrote?

His most recently released work was The Fine Art of Uncanny Prediction on August 17th, 2023.

Will there be any more books by Robert Goddard?

Robert Goddard does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Robert Goddard written?

Robert Goddard has written 32 books. 3 books in the Harry Barnett Series, 3 books in the James "Max" Maxted Series, 2 books in the Umiko Wada Series, 24 Standalone Novels.

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    Andrew M.
    Andrew M.
    2 years ago

    I know Robert Goddard for his captivating historical thrillers.
    Harry Barnett series was the first I read, and the characters and the plot really caught my attention. The twists and turns kept me suspecting the wrong people to the very end.
    Goddard is so talented in both setting the scenes and sketching the characters mental state. So far, the books I’ve read are real page-turners and have kept me at the edge of the seat.
    The Ways of The World is an excellent spy story set in the aftermath of the Great War. The book is above average in the spectrum of espionage fiction.
    ‘Into the Blue’ was a suspenseful adult puzzle with clues originating from places like a comment someone made or pictures on the walls. Goddard continues to be on the list of the most talented authors even to date.

    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    Robert Goddard won me over with ‘Into The Blue.’ I liked his previous novels. But they were all historical mysteries and thrillers, and I couldn’t figure out whether or not my interest in history had enhanced my enjoyment. Part of me was convinced that Goddard wouldn’t be so appealing to me if you took my affinity for history away.

    But then ‘Into The Blue’ came along. It was the first Goddard novel to be set in contemporary times. To my surprise, I loved it. It had all the aspects that had made the previous books so compelling, including a carefully paced mystery and several noteworthy twists.

    So clearly, Goddard is a great writer, regardless of whether he’s writing historical or contemporary mysteries.

    Book Notification is an Amazon Associate. Book links to Amazon, eBay and other book stores are affiliate links, and we earn money from any qualifying purchases.

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