Richard North Patterson

Richard North Patterson

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Trial was the most recently released book by Richard North Patterson, on June 13th, 2023.

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Richard North Patterson Stats: The highest rated book by Richard North Patterson on Book Notification is Degree of Guilt, the 2nd novel in the Christopher Paget series. The second-highest rated book is The Lasko Tangent (Christopher Paget #1).

The most read book by Richard North Patterson on Book Notification is Degree of Guilt, the 2nd novel in the Christopher Paget series. The second most read book is The Lasko Tangent (Christopher Paget #1).

Below is a complete list of Richard North Patterson books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Richard North Patterson is the Christopher Paget Series.

List of Christopher Paget Books in Publication Order

List of Kerry Kilcannon Books in Publication Order

List of Martha's Vineyard Books in Publication Order

List of Martha's Vineyard Series in Chronological Order

List of Tony Lord Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
The Outside Man
Escape the Night
The Final Judgment / Caroline Masters
Dark Lady
The Race
The Spire
In The Name of Honor
The Devil's Light

List of Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order

List of Richard North Patterson Anthologies in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
Legal Briefs
Show All Anthologies

Richard North Patterson: Biography

Richard North Patterson was born on February 22nd, 1947 and is currently 77 years old. Richard North Patterson was born in Berkeley, California, USA. Patterson attended Ohio Wesleyan University where he received a Law Degree and.

Richard North Patterson is probably best known for his Standalone Novels. There are currently 11 novels available. The first standalone was released in 1981 with the novel The Outside Man. The most recently released novel was Trial which was released in 2023. There are no upcoming standalone novels by Richard North at this time.

Richard North Patterson has also written the Christopher Paget series which has 4 books including The Lasko Tangent and Degree of Guilt.

Richard North Patterson has made the Kono Mystery ga Sugoi! guide book list in Japan on multiple occasions. In 2001, his novel Eyes of a Child was ranked #9. In 2004, Silent Witness took the #4 spot. Dark Lady was listed at #7 in 2005.

Richard North Patterson: Awards & Accolades

Richard North Patterson won the International Thriller Writers Award, Silver Bullet Award, in 2012.

Patterson's book, The Lasko Tangent won the Edgar Award, Best First Novel, in 1980.

Patterson's book, Exile was nominated for the Audie Award, Best Fiction, in 2008.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Richard North Patterson are:

  1. David Baldacci, author of the Amos Decker Series.
  2. John Grisham, author of the Jake Brigance Series.
  3. Harlan Coben, author of the Myron Bolitar Series.
  4. Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch Series.
  5. Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher Series.

Richard North Patterson: F.A.Q

When was Richard North Patterson Born? How old is Richard North Patterson?

Richard North Patterson was born on February 22nd, 1947. Richard North Patterson is currently 77 years old.

Where was Richard North Patterson Born?

Richard North Patterson was born in Berkeley, California, USA and is American.

What awards has Richard North Patterson won?

Richard North Patterson has won the following awards: Silver Bullet Award at the International Thriller Writers Award (2012).

What book awards has Richard North Patterson won?

Patterson's book, The Lasko Tangent won the award Edgar Award, Best First Novel, in 1980.

What was the first book Richard North Patterson wrote?

The first novel written by Richard North Patterson was The Lasko Tangent, published in 1979.

What was the most recent book Richard North Patterson wrote?

His most recently released work was Trial on June 13th, 2023.

Will there be any more books by Richard North Patterson?

Richard North Patterson does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Richard North Patterson written?

Richard North Patterson has written 24 books. 4 books in the Christopher Paget Series, 3 books in the Kerry Kilcannon Series, 3 books in the Martha's Vineyard Series, 2 books in the Tony Lord Series, 11 Standalone Novels, 1 book in the Non-Fiction Books.

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    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    I haven’t followed Patterson’s career. I’ve caught glimpses of his work on various morning shows. But I had no significant interest in him until I read Degree of Guilt.

    Even if I knew nothing about the man, this book would have been enough to let me know that he has a lot of experience with the law. The other novels in his bibliography are the same.

    He peels the curtain back to provide an engaging view of the legal field. The courtroom drama is juicy and engrossing. But he keeps the legal stuff from getting too repetitive by punctuating it with human stories, some of which are difficult to digest because of the subject matter. I don’t watch courtroom dramas, so I never expected legal thrillers to be this interesting.

    6 months ago

    One of my top favorite authors! His new stand alone book “Trial” did not disappoint. Thoroughly enjoyed it. My only complaint is too long between new books but always worth the wait.

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