James Altucher

James Altucher

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Think Like a Billionaire (Non-Fiction) was the most recently released book by James Altucher, on July 28th, 2022.

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James Altucher Stats: The highest rated book by James Altucher on Book Notification is Choose Yourself: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream, a Non-Fiction book. The second-highest rated book is Become An Idea Machine, a Non-Fiction book.

The most read book by James Altucher on Book Notification is Choose Yourself: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream, a Non-Fiction book. The second most read book is Become An Idea Machine, a Non-Fiction book.

Below is a complete list of James Altucher books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series.

List of Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order

James Altucher

James Altucher was born on January 22nd, 1968 and is currently 57 years old. James Altucher was born in New York City, New York, USA. Altucher attended Cornell University where he received a Bachelor's degree. He also attended Carnegie Mellon University.

James Altucher is best known as a podcaster and entrepreneur who has been responsible for the founding of at least 20 companies. Over the many years, he has been a hedge fund manager he has not only published books but has also contributed to the likes of The Huffington Post, The Financial Times, TechCrunch, and The Wall Street Journal.

Following his graduation from college, he got a job at HBO working in IT. For some time, he hosted III:am, A web series on HBO, even as he worked on Reset Inc his own company. He sold his company in 1998 and using the money from the sale, he got into all manner of investments in the internet space.

Between 2002 and 2005, he ran hedge funds and traded for a bunch of hedge funds. James Altucher founded StockPickr, the social financial network that would become very successful in the 2000s. He would sell the company in 2007 for $10 million.

With more than 20 books to his name, his books have been on the list of best business books of all time in USA Today and the bestseller list of The Wall Street Journal. He also co-owns a stand-up comedy club in New York known as Stand Up NY.

James Altucher published his most popular work, Choose Yourself, in 2013. The work tells his readers to choose themselves in a time when everything is in a state of flux from the markets to jobs to industries all of which have been disrupted. Despite this, James asserts that the new world has presented economic forces and new tools that make it possible to prosper as long as you choose yourself.

In Trade Like a Hedge Fund, his second work, James Altucher shows the behind-the-scenes strategies behind the most successful hedge funds. He shares 20 practical and fresh techniques and strategies that he believes will make trading easier for most people. He also includes detailed examples and the latest trading advice to help traders decrease risk and improve the value of their portfolios.

Trade Like Warren Buffett is a work that James Altucher published in 2005. The work challenges the commonly held notion that Warren Buffett is a value investor. Through exploring Buffett’s investments, Altucher provides details on trading and investing techniques such as market timing, mean reversion, arbitrage, bonds, and commodities trading that Buffett has used over the years.

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  1. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter Series.
  2. Charles Dickens, author of the novel: A Christmas Carol.
  3. James Patterson, author of the Alex Cross Series.
  4. Jane Austen, author of the novel: Pride and Prejudice.
  5. Agatha Christie, author of the Hercule Poirot Series.

James Altucher: F.A.Q

When was James Altucher Born? How old is James Altucher?

James Altucher was born on January 22nd, 1968. James Altucher is currently 57 years old.

Where was James Altucher Born?

James Altucher was born in New York City, New York, USA and is American.

What was the first book James Altucher wrote?

The first book written by James Altucher was Trade Like a Hedge Fund, published in 2004.

What was the most recent book James Altucher wrote?

His most recently released work was Think Like a Billionaire on July 28th, 2022.

Will there be any more books by James Altucher?

James Altucher does not have any upcoming books with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has James Altucher written?

James Altucher has written 19 books. All of his books are Non-Fiction Books.

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