David Ellis

David Ellis

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July 23rd, 2024: The Best Lies

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David Ellis Stats: The highest rated book by David Ellis on Book Notification is Look Closer, a Standalone novel. The second-highest rated book is The Hidden Man (Jason Kolarich #1).

The most read book by David Ellis on Book Notification is Look Closer, a Standalone novel. The second most read book is The Hidden Man (Jason Kolarich #1).

Below is a complete list of David Ellis books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series.

List of Jason Kolarich Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
Line Of Vision
Life Sentence
Jury Of One
In The Company Of Liars
Eye Of The Beholder
Guilty Wives (With: James Patterson)
Mistress (With: James Patterson)
The Murder House (With: James Patterson)
Look Closer
The Best Lies

List of Invisible Books in Publication Order (with James Patterson)

Centers on an FBI researcher who finds a pattern in seemingly unrelated cases.

List of Black Book Books in Publication Order (with James Patterson)

Involves detectives solving crimes with the help of a lost "black book" that contains the secrets to unsolved crimes.

David Ellis: Biography

David Ellis was born on January 1st, 1967 and is currently 57 years old. David Ellis was born in , USA. Ellis attended Northwestern University where he received a Law Degree.

David Ellis is probably best known for his Standalone Novels. There are currently 10 novels available. The first standalone was released in 2001 with the novel Line Of Vision. The most recently released novel was Look Closer which was released in 2022.

David Ellis has also written the Jason Kolarich series which has 4 books including The Hidden Man and Breach Of Trust.

David Ellis: Awards & Accolades

Ellis' book, Line Of Vision won the Edgar Award, Best First Novel, in 2002.

David Ellis books have also been nominated for multiple awards, The Hidden Man was nominated for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, Best Mystery/Thriller, in 2009 as well as the Barry Award - Best Novel in 2010. Guilty Wives was nominated for the Goodreads Awards, Best Mystery and Thriller, in 2012. Look Closer was nominated for the RUSA Awards, Adrenaline Award, in 2023.

David Ellis: F.A.Q

When was David Ellis Born? How old is David Ellis?

David Ellis was born on January 1st, 1967. David Ellis is currently 57 years old.

Where was David Ellis Born?

David Ellis was born in, USA and is American.

What book awards has David Ellis won?

Ellis' book, Line Of Vision won the award Edgar Award, Best First Novel, in 2002.

What was the first book David Ellis wrote?

The first novel written by David Ellis was Line Of Vision, published in 2001.

What was the most recent book David Ellis wrote?

His most recently released work was Look Closer on July 5th, 2022.

Will there be any more books by David Ellis?

David Ellis has a new book coming out on July 23rd, 2024 called The Best Lies.

How many books has David Ellis written?

David Ellis has written 19 books. 4 books in the Jason Kolarich Series, 10 Standalone Novels, 2 books in the Invisible Series, 3 books in the Black Book Series.

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    1 month ago

    Look Closer. I have enjoyed reading books by David Ellis and the James Patterson/David Ellis combination. Because of that, I picked Look Closer because it was available. I finished it and liked the ending when it was all tied up but did not enjoy it near as much as his other books. I almost quit a number of times but quitting is something I seldom do so I stuck with it and finished it. I’m not giving up on his other books but I would not rate this as one of his best books, imo.

    1 month ago

    I just finished LOOK CLOSER and it took a while to “get into it”. I reached about 150 pages (I read large print) and finally it seemed to have something to peak your interest. The ending was a good one and it answered a lot of questions. But the twists and turns in the story were incredible. Had me guessing a bit but once the story grabbed me I couldn’t put it down!

    Reply to  Ciao45
    1 month ago

    First book I have read by him and I loved that one. Only read Life Sentence. I enjoyed that but not as much.

    1 month ago

    I enjoyed In The Company Of Liars. The concept of the book working backward in time made for an interesting and out of the ordinary read.

    26 days ago

    Just finished his first book, Line of Vision. Another enjoyable read. There is always quite a few twists and turns that make me go back and read earlier portions of the book in order to anticipate what is going to happen next. Looking forward to starting the Jason Kolarich series.

    5 days ago

    I just finished “IN THE COMPANY OF LIARS” and found it one of the most difficult books I have ever read! It was an interesting plot with many twists and turns and the ending was, to me, anti-climatic. I do enjoy his books, have read 2 others and he has a style that is clever and intriguing. Looking forward to the next ones!

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