William Shatner

William Shatner

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Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder (Non-Fiction) was the most recently released book by William Shatner, on October 4th, 2022.

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William Shatner Stats: The highest rated book by William Shatner on Book Notification is Leonard, a Non-Fiction book. The second-highest rated book is Star Trek Memories (Star Trek: The Original #2).

The most read book by William Shatner on Book Notification is Leonard, a Non-Fiction book. The second most read book is Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder, a Non-Fiction book.

Below is a complete list of William Shatner books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series.

List of Quest for Tomorrow Books in Publication Order

List of TekWar Books in Publication Order (with Ron Goulart)

List of War Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg.YearBook Link

List of Zero-G / Samuel Lord Books in Publication Order (with Jeff Rovin)

# ReadTitle Avg.YearBook Link

List of Star Trek: The Original Series Books in Publication Order

List of Star Trek: Academy Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg.YearBook Link

List of Star Trek: The Mirror Universe Trilogy Books in Publication Order

List of Star Trek: Odyssey Books in Publication Order

List of Star Trek: Totality Books in Publication Order

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg.YearBook Link
Believe (With: Michael Tobias)

List of Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order

List of TekWar Chronicles Books in Publication Order (with Scott Davis)

# ReadTitle Avg.YearBook Link
Show All Books in this Series

William Shatner

William Shatner was born on March 22nd, 1931 and is currently 93 years old. William Shatner was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Shatner attended McGill University where he received a BComm degree.

William Shatner is a Canadian actor that is best known for playing James T. Kirk for 3 seasons on Star Trek, 21 out of the 22 episodes of Star Trek: The Animated Series and in the first 7 of the movies in the franchise.

His film career started as he was still attending college. He had a small role in “The Butler’s Night Off”, a Canadian comedy drama, in 1951. The credits list him as Bill Shatner, and he’s described simply as being a crook. After he graduated, he worked as an assistant manager and actor at both the Canadian National Repertory Theatre in Ottawa and the Mountain Playhouse in Montreal before he joined the Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Ontario.

He started his screen acting career in Canadian TV and film productions before moving into guest starring roles in different US TV shows. He appeared in 2 episodes of the original Twilight Zone series, “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet” and “Nick of Time”. He also appeared on The Man From UNCLE with his future Star Trek costar Leonard Nimoy.

In 1964, he appeared in a pilot for a proposed series titled Alexander the Great as the titular character along with Adam West, playing Cleander. It was not picked up for a series, and the pilot remained unaired until 1968 when it was repackaged as a TV movie in order to capitalize on the fame that Shatner and West had won in the interim. West knew it was a stinker (believing that it was one of the worst things he’d ever done) but Shatner was hoping the show would be a major success.

After Star Trek got canceled, he experienced a tough time getting cast in anything, since he was a bit typecast as Kirk. Without much money and few acting prospects, he lost his home and was so poor that he had to live in a truck bed camper in the San Fernando Valley. He calls this time of his life “that period”, a humbling period when he’d take on any odd job, including small party appearances, so that he could support his family.

The acting jobs that he did during this time were mainly B-grade horror movies.

Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder is William Shatner reflecting on our fragile bond with nature, the interconnectivity of things, and the joys that come from exploration in a revelatory, inspiring, and exhilarating essay collection.

William, long before Gene Roddenberry put him on a starship to explore the galaxy, long before he really did venture to space, was gripped by his own journey of meaning and knowledge. Even though his eventful life has been nothing short of extraordinary, he’s still never so thrilled when he gets to experience something which inspires him to just say ‘wow’.

Within these informative, entertaining, and affecting essays, he demonstrates that astonishing possibilities and true wonder are around us all the time. By revealing stories about his own life, some are tragic while others are delightful, he reflects on what he’s learned along the way to his 9th decade and how important it is to apply the joys of exploration to our own lives.

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  1. Stephen King, author of The Dark Tower Series.
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  3. James Patterson, author of the Alex Cross Series.
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  5. Dan Brown, author of the Robert Langdon Series.

William Shatner: F.A.Q

When was William Shatner Born? How old is William Shatner?

William Shatner was born on March 22nd, 1931. William Shatner is currently 93 years old.

Where was William Shatner Born?

William Shatner was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and is Canadian.

What was the first book William Shatner wrote?

The first book written by William Shatner was Shatner: Where No Man .., published in 1979.

What was the most recent book William Shatner wrote?

His most recently released work was Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder on October 4th, 2022.

Will there be any more books by William Shatner?

William Shatner does not have any upcoming books with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has William Shatner written?

William Shatner has written 42 books across 14 series.
  • 5 books in the Quest for Tomorrow Series
  • 9 books in the TekWar Series
  • 2 books in the War Series
  • 2 books in the Zero-G / Samuel Lord Series
  • 3 books in the Star Trek: The Original Series Series
  • 1 book in the Star Trek: Academy Series
  • 3 books in the Star Trek: The Mirror Universe Trilogy Series
  • 3 books in the Star Trek: Odyssey Series
  • 3 books in the Star Trek: Totality Series
  • 1 Standalone Novels
  • 9 Non-Fiction Books
  • 1 book in the TekWar Chronicles Series

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