Rick Atkinson

Rick Atkinson

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April 29th, 2025: The Fate of the Day: The War for America, Fort Ticonderoga to Charleston, 1777-1780 (The Revolution Trilogy, #2)

The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775-1777 (The Revolution Trilogy, #1) was the most recently released book by Rick Atkinson, on May 14th, 2019.

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Rick Atkinson Stats: The highest rated book by Rick Atkinson on Book Notification is An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943, the first novel in the World War II Liberation Trilogy series. The second-highest rated book is The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945 (World War II Liberation Trilogy #3).

The most read book by Rick Atkinson on Book Notification is An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943, the first novel in the World War II Liberation Trilogy series. The second most read book is The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 (World War II Liberation Trilogy #2).

Below is a complete list of Rick Atkinson books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Rick Atkinson is the World War II Liberation Trilogy Series.

List of The Revolution Trilogy Books in Publication Order

List of World War II Liberation Trilogy Books in Publication Order

List of Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order

List of American Warriors Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg.YearBook Link
The Art of Command (By: H.R. McMaster, Harry S. Laver, Jeffrey J. Matthews)
Normandy to Victory (By: William C. Sylvan, Francis G. Smith Jr., John T. Greenwood Ph.D.)
The Way of Duty, Honor, Country (By: Charles Pelot Summerall, Timothy K. Nenninger Ph.D.)
Jacob L. Devers: A General's Life (With: James Scott Wheeler)
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List of Rick Atkinson Anthologies in Publication Order

#ReadTitle Avg.YearBook Link
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Rick Atkinson

Rick Atkinson (Lawrency Rush Atkinson IV) was born on November 16th, 1952 and is currently 72 years old. Rick Atkinson was born in Munich, West Germany (now Germany). Atkinson attended East Carolina University where he received a Bachelor of Arts and the University of Chicago where he received a Master of Arts.

Rick Atkinson is best known as a journalist and historian from the United States who mainly focuses on military history.

Atkinson got started as a journalist in 1976 when he got a job with The Pittsburg Morning Sun. A year later, he moved to The Kansas City Times, where he spent half a dozen years as a national reporter, city desk reporter, and suburban police reporter beginning in the Midwest before he ended up in Washington.

By 1983, Atkinson was a general assignment reporter at The Washington Post. He would subsequently spend two years as deputy national editor working on diplomacy, defense, and other national security themes. He also worked in the investigative section of the publications and produced a series on the loan and savings scandal, public housing, and the B-2 bomber.

In 1991, Rick Atkinson was credited with writing most of the lead stories about the Gulf War on the Washington Post. He would then be posted to Berlin where he covered NATO and Germany as a bureau chief, even as he also spent considerable time in Bosnia and Somalia.

For his work, Rick has won the Pulitzer Prize for public service in 1999 and the Pulitzer Prize for national reporting in 1982. He has also won the International Reporting Livingston Award in 1983.

Rick Atkinson published An Army at Dawn in 2002. It tells the story of the American Army in Western Europe, Italy, and North Africa during the Second World War. It starts from Normandy and follows the army as they go against the Italians and Germans in Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco to become a superb fighting force.

In 2007, Rick Atkinson published the work The Day of Battle, which tells the story of the battle for Sicily and Italy. He tells of the stiff German resistance and recounts the horrors of the battles in Sicily from the perspective of the individual soldiers. Full of blood, noise, bone, smoke, gore, cold, rain, and mud, they describe the horror and brutality of war.

In 2013 Rick Atkinson published The Guns at Last Night, a work that tells of the battle for Western Europe. It is all about the brutal fight for France starting on the beaches of Normandy, the liberation of Paris the horror of the Battle of the Bulge, and finally the push toward the German capital.

Rick Atkinson: Awards & Accolades

Rick Atkinson won the Helmerich Award, Peggy V. Helmerich Distinguished Author Award, in 2015.

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  1. Stephen King, author of The Dark Tower Series.
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  3. Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch Series.
  4. C.J. Box, author of the Joe Pickett Series.
  5. John Grisham, author of the Jake Brigance Series.

Rick Atkinson: F.A.Q

When was Rick Atkinson Born? How old is Rick Atkinson?

Rick Atkinson was born on November 16th, 1952. Rick Atkinson is currently 72 years old.

Where was Rick Atkinson Born?

Rick Atkinson was born in Munich, West Germany (now Germany) and is American.

What awards has Rick Atkinson won?

Rick Atkinson has won the following awards: Peggy V. Helmerich Distinguished Author Award at the Helmerich Award (2015).

What was the first book Rick Atkinson wrote?

The first book written by Rick Atkinson was The Long Gray Line: The American Journey of West Point's Class of 1966, published in 1989.

What was the most recent book Rick Atkinson wrote?

His most recently released work was The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775-1777 on May 14th, 2019.

Will there be any more books by Rick Atkinson?

Rick Atkinson has a new book coming out on April 29th, 2025 called The Fate of the Day: The War for America, Fort Ticonderoga to Charleston, 1777-1780.

How many books has Rick Atkinson written?

Rick Atkinson has written 12 books excluding contributions to anthologies. 2 books in The Revolution Trilogy Series, 3 books in the World War II Liberation Trilogy Series, 6 books in the Non-Fiction Books, 1 book in the American Warriors Series.

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