Nick Pollotta also wrote as: Jack Hopkins.
Nick Pollotta was born in Saddle Brook, New Jersey on August 26th, 1954 and passed away at the age of 58 on April 13th, 2013.
Nick Pollotta Stats: The highest rated book by Nick Pollotta on Book Notification is Illegal Aliens, a Standalone novel. The second-highest rated book is Full Moonster (Bureau 13 #3).
The most read book by Nick Pollotta on Book Notification is Gemini Rising, the 48th novel in the Deathlands series. The second most read book is Gaia's Demise (Deathlands #45).
Below is a complete list of Nick Pollotta books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Nick Pollotta is the Bureau 13 Series.