Maria Turtschaninoff

Maria Turtschaninoff

Upcoming Maria Turtschaninoff Books

April 10th, 2025: Tangled Roots (Standalone)

Red Mantle (The Red Abbey Chronicles, #3) was the most recently released book by Maria Turtschaninoff, on August 1st, 2018.

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Maria Turtschaninoff Stats: The highest rated book by Maria Turtschaninoff on Book Notification is Maresi, the first novel in The Red Abbey Chronicles series.

The most read book by Maria Turtschaninoff on Book Notification is Maresi, the first novel in The Red Abbey Chronicles series.

Below is a complete list of Maria Turtschaninoff books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Maria Turtschaninoff is The Red Abbey Chronicles Series.

List of The Red Abbey Chronicles Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg.YearBook Link

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg.YearBook Link

Maria Turtschaninoff

Maria Turtschaninoff is the author of The Red Abbey Chronicles series which currently consists of 3 novels. The The Red Abbey Chronicles series started in 2014 with the novel Maresi. The most recently released novel in The Red Abbey Chronicles series was Red Mantle which was released in 2018. There are no upcoming novels for The Red Abbey Chronicles series.

Maria Turtschaninoff: Awards & Accolades

Turtschaninoff's book, Maresi was nominated for the Otherwise Award, Best Science Fiction, in 2018.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Maria Turtschaninoff are:

  1. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter Series.
  2. Harlan Coben, author of the Myron Bolitar Series.
  3. Charles Dickens, author of the novel: A Christmas Carol.
  4. David Baldacci, author of the Amos Decker Series.
  5. Dean Koontz, author of the Odd Thomas Series.

Maria Turtschaninoff: F.A.Q

What was the first book Maria Turtschaninoff wrote?

The first book written by Maria Turtschaninoff was Maresi, published in 2014.

What was the most recent book Maria Turtschaninoff wrote?

Their most recently released work was Red Mantle on August 1st, 2018.

Will there be any more books by Maria Turtschaninoff?

Maria Turtschaninoff has a new book coming out on April 10th, 2025 called Tangled Roots.

How many books has Maria Turtschaninoff written?

Maria Turtschaninoff has written 4 books. 3 books in The Red Abbey Chronicles Series, 1 Standalone Novel.

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