Clint Howard

Clint Howard

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The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family (Non-Fiction) was the most recently released book by Clint Howard, on October 12th, 2021.

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Clint Howard Stats: The highest rated book by Clint Howard on Book Notification is The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family, a Non-Fiction book.

The most read book by Clint Howard on Book Notification is The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family, a Non-Fiction book.

Below is a complete list of Clint Howard books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series.

List of Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order

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Clint Howard

Clint Howard (Clinton Engle Howard) was born on April 20th, 1959 and is currently 65 years old. Clint Howard was born in Burbank, California, USA.

Clint Howard is an actor. He appears in many of the movies his older brother, Ron, has directed.

Clint started his career when he was 2, appearing in 5 episodes of The Andy Griffith Show. He played a toddler in a cowboy outfit named Leon.

Gentle Ben (1967 to 1969) was Clint’s first prominent role, where he was a regular.

Clint has appeared in 17 of his brother’s movies, including Ron’s first effort, a short called “Old Paint”, when Clint was just 10. And he also starred in Grand Theft Auto, Ron’s first full length feature.

Clint makes custom snow globes and is the lead singer of The Kempsters. He brought one of these snow globes onto The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon with Bryce Dallas Howard, his niece.

Clint is one of the few people to have roles on Star Trek, from The Original Series all the way to Strange New Worlds and Discovery.

The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family is Clint and Ron’s memoir where they fondly and frankly share their unusual family tale of surviving and navigating life as sibling child actors.

Ron’s been asked what it’s like to have grown up on TV. He and Clint examine their childhoods in detail for the very first time. Ron played Richie Cunningham on Happy Days and Opie on Andy Griffith Show, and it offered him joy, fame, and opportunity, however it also invited bully and stress. For Clint, a fast start on Gentle Ben and Star Trek petered out during adolescence, but with some tough lessons and consequences.

With the perspective that success and time provides, Ron as a Hollywood A-lister, filmmaker, and producer, and Clint as a busy character actor, these brothers dive deep into an upbringing which appeared normal to them but was anything but. Their Midwestern parents, Jean and Rance had moved to California in order to pursue showbiz dreams of their own. However it was their young sons that found steady employment as actors. Rance set his ambition and ego aside so he could become their sage, teacher, and moral compass. Jean became their loving protector, sometimes their over-protector, from all the traps and snares of Hollywood.

At times this is heartwarming, nostalgic, confessional, and harrowing, this is a dual narrative which lifts the lid on their closely held lives. This is the journey of a tight 4 person family unit which held fast in quite an unforgiving business and about 2 brothers that survived ‘child actor syndrome’ in order to become fulfilled adults.

Clint Howard: Awards & Accolades

Howard's book, The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family was nominated for the Audie Award, Best Autobiography or Memoir, in 2022.

Clint Howard: F.A.Q

When was Clint Howard Born? How old is Clint Howard?

Clint Howard was born on April 20th, 1959. Clint Howard is currently 65 years old.

Where was Clint Howard Born?

Clint Howard was born in Burbank, California, USA and is American.

What was the first book Clint Howard wrote?

The first book written by Clint Howard was The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family, published in 2021.

What was the most recent book Clint Howard wrote?

His most recently released work was The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family on October 12th, 2021.

Will there be any more books by Clint Howard?

Clint Howard does not have any upcoming books with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Clint Howard written?

Clint Howard has written 1 book. All of his books are Non-Fiction Books.

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