Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson

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The Lives of Brian (Non-Fiction) was the most recently released book by Brian Johnson, on October 11th, 2022.

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Brian Johnson Stats: The highest rated book by Brian Johnson on Book Notification is The Lives of Brian, a Non-Fiction book.

The most read book by Brian Johnson on Book Notification is The Lives of Brian, a Non-Fiction book.

Below is a complete list of Brian Johnson books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series.

List of Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order

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Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson (Brian Francis Johnson De Luca) was born on October 5th, 1947 and is currently 77 years old. Brian Johnson was born in Dunston, County Durham, England.

Brian Johnson is a singer and songwriter best known for being the third singer of AC/DC after Bon Scott’s death in 1980.

Brian’s first band was the Gobi Desert Canoe Club, and he was in a band called Fresh. Starting in 1970, he played with the Jasper Hart Band, a cabaret/club band that played songs from Hair along with soft-rock/pop songs of the time.

Brian was a founding member of the rock band Geordie, which formed in 1971 in Newcastle upon Tyne. The band split in 1978 after having some hit singles, including “All Because of You”, which was a UK Top 10 in 1973.

He was asked by the Young brothers to audition. Malcolm recalled that Brian was just as sad about Bon as the rest of them were. They worked on Whole Lotta Rosie, which Brian sang with Geordie. They also rehearsed Nutbush City Limits, which made them smile, so they worked with him off that.

In days he was in the band, and they sent him to the Bahamas, where he joined the band as it was the only vacant studio they had.

In 2014, he was given an honorary degree of Doctor of Music by Northumbria University in the city of Newcastle for his significant contribution to the music industry.

As a symbol of the working class in north of England, Brian typically wears a newsboy cap both on and off stage. He has sometimes worn baseball caps as well. It came from a suggestion that his brother made to keep the sweat out of his eyes. It worked so well that he never gave his brother the hat back.

The Lives of Brian: A Memoir tells the story about how Brian went from growing up in a small town to forming his own band to ultimately replacing Bon Scott in AC/DC. They’d record Back in Black which was their first album together, which wound up becoming the hugest selling rock album of all time.

He was born to a WWII vet and steelworker dad and an Italian mom, growing up in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, which is a working class town. He sang with the church choir, having been musically incline. After Geordie disbanded, Brian had turned to a blue collar life.

The year 1980 changed it all for him. Bon died when he was 33. The band was auditioning new singers, among them Brian, whom Scott had raved about after seeing him perform live. Within just days, Brian was in the studio with the group, working with Angus and Malcolm, Phil Rudd, and Cliff Williams, along with their producer Mutt Lange.

Once the album Back in Black had been released, just three months after Brian had joined the band, it exploded and sold 50 million copies worldwide, and triggered a years-long world tour. They toured one year to support this album, which changed the face of rock music, as well as Brian’s entire life, forever.

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Brian Johnson: F.A.Q

When was Brian Johnson Born? How old is Brian Johnson?

Brian Johnson was born on October 5th, 1947. Brian Johnson is currently 77 years old.

Where was Brian Johnson Born?

Brian Johnson was born in Dunston, County Durham, England and is English.

What was the first book Brian Johnson wrote?

The first book written by Brian Johnson was The Lives of Brian, published in 2022.

What was the most recent book Brian Johnson wrote?

His most recently released work was The Lives of Brian on October 11th, 2022.

Will there be any more books by Brian Johnson?

Brian Johnson does not have any upcoming books with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Brian Johnson written?

Brian Johnson has written 1 book. All of his books are Non-Fiction Books.

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