Brad Taylor

Brad Taylor

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Dead Man's Hand was the most recently released book by Brad Taylor, on January 23rd, 2024.

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Brad Taylor Stats: The highest rated book by Brad Taylor on Book Notification is Daughter of War, the 13th novel in the Pike Logan series. The second-highest rated book is Operator Down (Pike Logan #12).

The most read book by Brad Taylor on Book Notification is One Rough Man, the first novel in the Pike Logan series. The second most read book is All Necessary Force (Pike Logan #2).

Below is a complete list of Brad Taylor books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by Brad Taylor is the Pike Logan Series.

List of Pike Logan Books in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
One Rough Man
All Necessary Force
Enemy of Mine
The Widow's Strike
The Polaris Protocol
Days of Rage
No Fortunate Son
The Insider Threat
The Forgotten Soldier
Ghosts of War
Ring of Fire
Operator Down
Daughter of War
Hunter Killer
American Traitor
End of Days
The Devil's Ransom
Dead Man's Hand

List of Pike/Taskforce Short Stories/Novellas in Publication Order

List of Brad Taylor Anthologies in Publication Order

# ReadTitle Avg. Year Book Link
Suspense Magazine July 2013
Show All Anthologies

Brad Taylor: Biography

Brad Taylor was born in 1965 and is currently 59 years old. Brad Taylor was born in Okinawa, Japan. Taylor attended University of Texas.

Brad Taylor is the author of the Pike Logan series which currently consists of 18 novels. The Pike Logan series started in 2011 with the novel One Rough Man. The most recently released novel in the Pike Logan series was Dead Man's Hand which was released in 2024. There are no upcoming novels for the Pike Logan series.

After graduating from the University of Texas, Brad was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Infantry serving more than 21 years, retiring as a Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel.

Brad served for more than 21 years, retiring as a Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel.

A few titles from Taylor have appeared on The Real Spy Book website: Ring of Fire was named one of the Best Military Thrillers of 2017. That honor would be given to Operator Down in 2018. Daughter of War was named one of their Best Action Thrillers of 2019. American Traitor would be named one of the Best Thrillers of 2021. In 2022 his actioner End of Days was listed among the top 15 Action, Political, Military, and Spy Thrillers of the year.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow Brad Taylor are:

  1. Brad Thor, author of the Scot Harvath Series.
  2. David Baldacci, author of the Amos Decker Series.
  3. Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher Series.
  4. Mark Greaney, author of the Court Gentry / Gray Man Series.
  5. Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch Series.

Brad Taylor: F.A.Q

When was Brad Taylor Born? How old is Brad Taylor?

Brad Taylor was born in 1965. Brad Taylor is currently 59 years old.

Where was Brad Taylor Born?

Brad Taylor was born in Okinawa, Japan and is Japanese.

What was the first book Brad Taylor wrote?

The first novel written by Brad Taylor was One Rough Man, published in 2011.

What was the most recent book Brad Taylor wrote?

His most recently released work was Dead Man's Hand on January 23rd, 2024.

Will there be any more books by Brad Taylor?

Brad Taylor does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has Brad Taylor written?

Brad Taylor has written 28 books. 18 books in the Pike Logan Series, 10 Short Stories/Novellas.

Have a Question?

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    Austin D.
    Austin D.
    2 years ago

    Brad’s books are great, I found a book of his at a thrift store and read through it shortly after. Now, I buy them in hardback when they first come out. Even though I also do my best to try getting as many of them on Kindle, so that I can have them in different formats.

    Pike is a fantastic character, and it’s tough to not love the gorgeous Knuckles. There is plenty of action to keep things moving along, and the pages turning as quickly as possible, too. Each one he does seems to be better than the one before it.

    Edgar A.
    Edgar A.
    2 years ago

    Brad Taylor is the master of chilling and all too plausible plots in his novels.

    My best novel of the Pike Logan series has to be Daughter of War which is a great thriller packed with tons of action sequences. I loved the thrills as Pike Logan, Jennifer and the task force go on a quest to find a weapon of mass destruction.

    Another great novel in the series to check out is Ring of Fire which has some intriguing speculations about the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It is a marvelous read that exposes the ties and financial backing of the executors of the terrorist attacks that are tied to the Panama Papers release.

    Reading through the series I loved the gripping and fast paced thrillers. I loved how Pike Logan and Jennifer Cahill face up to insidious threat to the United States and do everything they can to deal with it in the face of great personal danger.

    Andrew M.
    Andrew M.
    2 years ago

    I’m a fan of action-packed thrillers, and in my opinion, Brad Taylor is the right author.
    One Rough Man is an excellent introduction to the Pike Logan series as it gives a detailed background for Pike and how he works along with his supporting characters.
    It’s a high-energy action thriller series with good character development, a budding bold heroine, and a badass fallen from grace former anti-terrorist operative.
    Taylor is a talented writer and writes with great authenticity to leave readers wanting more.
    His books are real page-turners with actions on each page.
    Having served in Special Forces and Delta Force, his writing seems to have some truth.

    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    I read ‘One Rough Man’ and couldn’t believe it was Pike Logan’s debut novel. If he can produce such a masterpiece on his first try, can you imagine what he will do a decade or two later when his style is finally refined?

    Granted, I don’t have to wait to learn the answer to that question. From what this list says, ‘One Rough Man’ came out in 2011. I can determine whether Logan’s abilities improved or deteriorated by simply reading ‘All Necessary Force’ right now.

    And to be clear, I did not exaggerate when I called One Rough Man a masterpiece. To me, a masterpiece is any book that achieves its objective efficiently and optimally. Logan did that with One Rough Man. I was thoroughly entertained.

    4 months ago

    Finished Honeymoon Heist just last week and found it cute. Looking ahead to Dead Man’s Hand.

    3 months ago

    THE DEVIL’S RANSOM – Overall, this was a good read. But it was a bit long when the bad guys and good guys chased the main hacker around southern Croatia. It just kept going and going and…….. After reading some other reviews I wasn’t the only one to notice this. I would say almost one-third of the book dealt on running after the hackers. Other than that, it was a good story. One that I haven’t come across yet. Sometimes I get tired of the same old bombs and explosives scenarios.

    This won’t keep me from the next Pike Logan saga.

    2 months ago

    I love the genre of Brad Taylor’s books. Another plus is that he has the same main characters in them.

    1 month ago

    The Pike Logan series is an excellent read. I have read the entire series at least twice, if not more. I always seem to find some small fact that I didn’t remember from the previous read

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