A.G. Riddle

A.G. Riddle

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Antarctica Station was the most recently released book by A.G. Riddle, on January 15th, 2024.

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A.G. Riddle Stats: The highest rated book by A.G. Riddle on Book Notification is Winter World, the first novel in The Long Winter series. The second-highest rated book is Lost in Time, a Standalone novel.

The most read book by A.G. Riddle on Book Notification is The Atlantis Gene, the first novel in The Origin Mystery series. The second most read book is Winter World (The Long Winter #1).

Below is a complete list of A.G. Riddle books in publication and chronological order, broken down by series. The most popular series by A.G. Riddle is The Origin Mystery Series.

List of The Origin Mystery Books in Publication Order

A group of people uncover a global conspiracy involving ancient artifacts and dangerous secrets.

List of The Extinction Files Books in Publication Order

Science-fiction thrillers about a deadly virus and a race against time to save humanity.

List of The Long Winter Books in Publication Order

A group of survivors navigate a now frozen world and unearth a mysterious threat, all while attempting to save the future.

List of Standalone Novels in Publication Order

A.G. Riddle: Biography

A.G. Riddle was born in, Shelby, North Carolina USA.

A.G. Riddle is probably best known for his Standalone Novels. There are currently 5 novels available. The first standalone was released in 2014 with the novel Departure. The most recently released novel was Antarctica Station which was released in 2024. There are no upcoming standalone novels by A.G. at this time.

A.G. Riddle has also written The Origin Mystery series which has 3 books including The Atlantis Gene and The Atlantis Plague.

A.G. Riddle: Awards & Accolades

Riddle's book, Lost in Time was nominated for the Goodreads Awards, Best Science Fiction, in 2022.

Related Authors

The most common authors followed by users who also follow A.G. Riddle are:

  1. Stephen King, author of The Dark Tower Series.
  2. Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch Series.
  3. David Baldacci, author of the Amos Decker Series.
  4. Dean Koontz, author of the Odd Thomas Series.
  5. James Patterson, author of the Women's Murder Club Series.

A.G. Riddle: F.A.Q

Where was A.G. Riddle Born?

A.G. Riddle was born in Shelby, North Carolina, USA and is American.

What was the first book A.G. Riddle wrote?

The first novel written by A.G. Riddle was The Atlantis Gene, published in 2013.

What was the most recent book A.G. Riddle wrote?

His most recently released work was Antarctica Station on January 15th, 2024.

Will there be any more books by A.G. Riddle?

A.G. Riddle does not have any upcoming novels with a set publication date within the next few months at this time.

How many books has A.G. Riddle written?

A.G. Riddle has written 13 books. 3 books in The Origin Mystery Series, 2 books in The Extinction Files Series, 3 books in The Long Winter Series, 5 Standalone Novels.

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    Michael K.
    Michael K.
    2 years ago

    Riddle is an acquired taste. A year ago, I would have dismissed him as trash. I know, that sounds harsh. But look at it from my perspective. I read literature. But I don’t discriminate based on genre.

    I don’t care if your novel is fantasy, science fiction, or horror so long as you deliver decent prose that respects literature as a medium. The first novel I read from Riddle (The Atlantis Gene) felt like a big-budget movie script.

    The rapid pacing and sudden changes put me off. I kept reading because Riddle’s Origin series was part of my book club’s reading challenge for that month.

    I must have consumed three or four books from the author before realizing that I was having a great time. Once I discarded my expectations and accepted Riddle’s style for what it was instead of what I wanted it to be, my perception changed. I don’t know if I would recommend the author to other people like me. Who knows how they would react? But I think that anyone who perseveres with this author will grow to appreciate his style in the long run.

    Andrew M.
    Andrew M.
    2 years ago

    A.G. Riddle Writing has evolved since the time he began. I haven’t been a fan of sci-fi novels, but Riddle’s books really got my interest.
    I think Riddle isn’t given all the credit he deserves, and I’m hoping to watch a movie based on his novels someday.
    Departure was my first novel, and it was a good start and had everything I would want in a book. Since then, I’ve read almost half of his booklist and found them enthralling, engaging, and breathtaking.
    Extinction Files Series is my recent read, and despite the length of the initial books, I still read them to the end. The description of the pandemic was unfolding in a very horrifying manner, but that didn’t put me off from the engaging story.

    Book Notification is an Amazon Associate. Book links to Amazon, eBay and other book stores are affiliate links, and we earn money from any qualifying purchases.

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